Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Sports day today was quite fun except for the hot weather! we took many photos!:D i seriously cant stand the guys in our class. the one thing i dislike about my class is definitely that bunch of guys. HAHA. im so mean. but i bet the girls will agree with that.
Prayer group gathering at joash's house was fantastic(: it's always nice to be hanging out with God's lovely people. we met at tamp inter and i saw my parents on the bus we were taking. hahaha! they were quite shocked to see a big group of people. ok. so joash is rich. stay at some ulu places. haha. the pictures of him when he was younger was super comical! hahaha. we watched passion of the Christ and this is like my 4th time watching it so i prepared my heart before it. worship session was great especially since it was after watching passion. although althea could not make it): , daniel managed to learn fast!! hahaha. it must be by the power of God.

i'm so worried for my studies. i'm really afraid i wont be able to do well for my exams that are coming soon. mr gay is always not in school. i seriously have no confidence in history and china studies): i have lots of cafe duties this month. i would rather have more in april because all of my major exams fall on may and june. oh well, i guess the solution now is to plan plan plan and of cos to rely on His strength. i need to increase in wisdom wisdom wisdom! Lord, help me to expand my capacity. There's just so many things to be done yet little time to complete. PW alone can kill me.

So i yearn for You
Long to see You move
Lord i lift my hands before my King and pray


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