Saturday, October 13, 2007

hi people! im blogging today!

im so happy to see weiyin back in church today!!! God is amazing! i prayed and prayed for her last weekend during the time with God. Pastor shared about how we need to pray SPECIFICALLY. So i prayed to God specifically that she will come for service next weekend(today), not next next weekend, not after O. but next weekend(today). and God answered my prayer! i asked weiyin if she's coming on thurs and she agreed! im so happy!!! She told me that she finally found her purpose of coming to church and she will grow in Him! Thank you Lord! You're such a loving God. We LOVE You!!!! Today during the time with God thing, pastor preached a powerful sermon! And i realised that i was also an insecure person always thinking about what others will think of me. i had tried too hard sometimes and i just completely lost who i am. Now that i have God, i know that with His power and with my self control, i will be a different person. A person who stands to my conviction and a person who is bold and confident!

and now im waiting for my bro to buy back supper. its super late and im tired. i didnt want to eat but he kept tempting me. hai!


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